
The 5 Minute Method To Healing Your C-Section Overhang

Sign up below for this FREE mini series which will change how you think about your C-section overhang and show you exactly what you can do to start improving it!

No, you don’t have put up with your C-section 'overhang'!

You had your baby by C-section 3 -12 months ago or even more (FYI it’s never too late to do this).
You have a healthy baby.
But you also have an overhang.
And a scar that’s painful or numb and tight.
Worse, you’ve been told this is part and parcel of giving birth….

I’m here to tell you that’s simply not true.

You don’t have to put up with it.
And a punishing schedule at the gym won’t help either!

In this mini course...

You’re going to finally understand how to heal your scar and what needs to happen to fix your overhang without the need for punishing workouts or expensive gym classes that don’t work for your body

Nobody should have to live in a body they hate.

Hi I’m Hannah👋

So many women tell me that they hate the way their tummy looks post C-section and that it is really affecting their mental health, self-esteem and relationships.

I’m on a mission to help everyone feel better in their own skin!  An ‘overhang’ is not something you have to live with or resort to more surgery to fix, there are things you can do to help and I want to show you!!