C Section Scar Massage
What are the affects of C-section scars?
Pain and discomfort, a feeling of tightness or a pulling sensation, numbness or poor sensation and tingling are all things you may feel if you have a C-section scar.
Why is my C-section scar feeling this way?
When your c-section wound heals, your body lays down scar tissue which is great for helping to heal the body but not so good for the surrounding tissues which can also get stuck to this scar tissue and cause adhesions u2013 scars that form on the inside of the body. So, although your scar may look healed from the outside, inside the scar tissue may be causing havoc.
Pain and tightness after C-Sections are often caused by these adhesions.
What affect can a c-section scar have on the rest of my body?
A build up of scar tissue and adhesions can cause further restrictions inside and out of the body. You may feel a general sense of restriction around your scar and abdomen, but some people also find their legs and upper body can feel tight and restricted. Scar tissue can also affect the organs in the body and c-section scars have the potential to affect your connection with your entire core, in turn affecting your pelvic activation. Over time adhesions in the pelvis can affect bowel function and fertility.

What can you do?
Massage your scar and the surrounding areas to avoid build up of scar tissue and adhesions. This is so important and probably a life long exercise you will need to keep returning to.u00a0 The best thing to do is see a remedial soft tissue therapist who specialises in post-natal massage and C-section scar massage for a full assessment . They can also teach you some effective techniques you can do at home yourself, using a small amount of almond oil or coconut oil.
The affects of soft tissue therapy should never be underestimated, and I have always been taught never to give up on our bodies and soft tissues! We all have an amazing capacity to change and heal.
For a further assessment or help with your C-section scar please do not hesitate to get in touch info@hannahjohnsontherapies.com